Sunday, July 4, 2010

Who makes whom

Habit is an action or series of actions that we perform in a subconscious manner.
We don't have to continuously think about doing these things, they seem to happen on their own.

Since all of the things under the sun fall just under two types, thus habits can also be good or bad.
Good habits serve us and bad habits cause us untold sufferings.
Good habits enhance the quality of life, while bad ones detract life.
Cultivating good habits is difficult but it is more difficult to maintain bad habits.

We all have a mix of good and bad habits.
Most of us admit to having some habits; that we wish we, we didn't have.

Ask yourself honestly.
Are your habits helping or hindering you?
What habits have consistently brought rewards to your personal life or career?
What habits could you adopt today that could have positive impact on your future?

I say "We first make habits, and then habits make us."

Life is not pausing for you while you are putting up with some habits that you dislike or that affects you adversely. Life is passing by while you waste it doing the wrong thing. There is no rewind button, there is only now and if you are not happy with your now, CHANGE IT...
acquiring new habit begin with a decision and a commitment. Change is difficult.
When trying to break out from bonds of bad habits; tests, trials and temptations come.
Setbacks occur.
Don't give up when you slip and fall as bruises would be lesser than that; if not given up.
Be sure to create the mental habit of gentleness with yourself.
It is important to have patience with thyself, while working on changing habits.
Some strong bad habits may take years to break.

Research has shown that an action that is repeated for a minimum of 21 days is likely to become a permanent habit.
That means you must perform your new actions repeatedly day after day, before your subconscious mind will begin to do them automatically.

Until then it takes consistent effort and focus...

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