Thursday, September 15, 2011

Every adversity has some good spelt in it; But the wise only know how to read Wisdom in that

In everyone's life there comes a time of ultimate challange;
a time when all our resources are tested.
A time when life seems unfair. A time when our faith, our values, our patience, our compassion and our ability to persist are pushed to the limit and beyond.

Adversity is part of everyone's life. The question is how do we handle it.
Some have used such test and hardships as opportunity for growth;
While others have turned away and allowed these experiences to destroy their hopes.

Th truth is our problems help to make us what we are.
Those who suffer often learn the value of compassion.
Those who suffer often learn perserverance.
And those who fall down often each others how to rise again.
Our troubles can shape us in ways a carefree existence cannot.

When life imposes difficult conditions on you,
do best to endure them, simply face them,
Take life head on;

In life you need to have faith to be able to take life head on.
Rather than raise the whitte flag of surrender,
lash out in anger or take the path of least resistance,
we can rise up to the challange and meet it head on.

We are built to conquer environment, solve problems, achieve goals.
We find no real satisfaction or happiness in life;
without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve.

The experienced mountain climber is not intimated by a mountain--he is inspired by it.
The persistent winner is not discouraged by a problem--he is challanged by it.

Because they all believe Mountains are created to be conquered;
adversities are designed to be defeated ;problems are sent to be solved.

All we need to do is choose to see and focus, on the positive side of the situation;
to lift our thoughts higher than our struggles.
This may not make all our problems vanish overnight , or at all.
But is surely does reduces their importance.

By choosing to focus on the positive;
we attract more positive energy into our lives.

By moving through the natural feelings of initial discouragement, greif or pain;
we learn how resilient and strong we can be.

And those interested in success have to learn to view adversities as a health,inevitabl part of the progress of getting to the top.

Well quoted by someone
One of the largest tributaries of the river of greatness is always the stream of adversities.

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